Thursday, December 6, 2007

What Buyers Need to Know to Get a Loan

Credit score primer: What buyers need to know to get a loanDALLAS – Dec. 5, 2007 – In the wake of the credit crisis, lenders have become much pickier about whom they lend to. Here are some basic facts that will help potential borrowers understand what they face.The measurement that most lenders use to assess applicants’ credit risk is the FICO score developed by Fair Isaac Corp. The score ranges from 300 to 850.There’s not one FICO score. Buyers have three: one for each of the three credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax.Each credit score is based on information the credit bureau keeps on file. Since credit bureaus don’t share their data with one another, the three FICO scores may differ, sometimes by as much as 100 points.The components of a FICO score are:• Payment history: 35 percent• Amounts owed: 30 percent• Length of credit history: 15 percent• New credit: 10 percent• Types of credit used: 10 percentA consumer with a 580 credit score might qualify under FHA requirements, but, generally, in order to qualify for a prime loan, a borrower must have a credit score above 620 for a conventional loan at all, and above 720 for a loan at terms and rates most borrowers would consider desirable.Source: The Dallas Morning News, Pamela Yip (12/03/07)© Copyright 2007 INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD

Yes, you can still buy a home for 0% Down!

Using the Nehemiah Program, home sellers can
legally gift buyers with up to 6% of the final contract price for FHA Loans. That 6% can go towards up to a 3% downpayment, closing costs, loan points and more. The maximum FHA Loan amount in St. Lucie County and Martin County is $267,640.00.

Thanks to The Nehemiah Program ®, more than 230,000 individuals and families now own homes.
Let us help you achieve the American dream:
Gift funds up to 6% of the final contract sales towards your downpayment and/or closing costs
Gift funds for both first time and repeat homebuyers
(Nehemiah charges a nominal processing fee that may be paid by the seller, homebuyer, or lender.)
Gift funds for both new construction and resale homes
No repayment of gift money
No income or asset limits
No geographical restrictions
If you are a qualified homebuyer using an eligible loan program, such as an FHA loan, you may be able to move into your new home with zero cash out of pocket! The Nehemiah Program can help you become a homeowner!
30-Year Rates Are Lowest In More Than Two Years

McLean, VA –Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®) in which the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 6.10 percent with an average 0.5 point for the week ending November 29, 2007, down from last week when it averaged 6.20 percent as well. Last year at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 6.14 percent. The 30-year FRM has not been lower since the week ending October 13, 2005, when it averaged 6.03 percent.
“Interest rates for U.S. Treasury securities have been drifting lower this month over market concerns that the housing slump and stress in the credit markets could slow future economic growth,” said Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac vice president and chief economist. “As a result, interest rates for fixed-rate mortgages had room to slip lower this week. In addition to these concerns, the Federal Reserve also noted in its November 28th Beige Book that the glut of available homes continued, keeping downward pressure on prices and construction activity.
“Add to this the S&P/Case-Shiller® 20-composite index showing house prices falling 4.95 percent in the 12-months ending September, with 15 of the metropolitan areas showing annual declines and the overall picture does, indeed, appear glum with no immediate relief in sight.”

-November 29, 2007